Broly the legendary SS
In this Movie, King Kai summons Goku to stop a Super Saiyan who's laid waste to the South Galaxy, and who plans to attack Earth. Paragas arrives and implores Vegeta to rule a re-created Planet Vegeta. Paragas's son Broly was born on the same day as Goku, but at a power level of 10,000! Fearing this potential menace, Vegeta's father ordered the child killed, but he escaped with Paragus. Now the pair is seeking revenge.
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In this Movie, King Kai summons Goku to stop a Super Saiyan who's laid waste to the South Galaxy, and who plans to attack Earth. Paragas arrives and implores Vegeta to rule a re-created Planet Vegeta. Paragas's son Broly was born on the same day as Goku, but at a power level of 10,000! Fearing this potential menace, Vegeta's father ordered the child killed, but he escaped with Paragus. Now the pair is seeking revenge.
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