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Saturday 9 July 2011

Naruto Shippuden Movie 2: Bonds


mysterious group of ninjas makes a surprise attack on the Konohagakure, which takes great damage. The nightmare of another Shinobi World War could become a reality. Sasuke, who left Konoha to kill his brother, Itachi, appears for the second time in front of Naruto at an unknown location to prevent it from coming to fruition.
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Naruto Shippuden

                                                          Naruto Shippuden

As the ninja world progresses, there is a man who is seeking power. He summons an evil like no other, in hopes to unite the five great shinobi nations in order to rule them. He is the demon named Moryo and he controls a ghost army. With this threat the leaf are trying to thwart his plans of resurrecting himself and eliminating the priestess who has the jutsu to seal the demon up again. Many have died protecting the priestess. She has seen many premonitions of death and one of them has been about Naruto. The Naruto team is yet on another mission protecting someone that is the key to saving the world. Will they complete the mission or will Naruto die?
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Wednesday 6 July 2011

Dragonball Z Movie 8: Broly the legendary SS

                                                  Broly the legendary SS
In this Movie, King Kai summons Goku to stop a Super Saiyan who's laid waste to the South Galaxy, and who plans to attack Earth. Paragas arrives and implores Vegeta to rule a re-created Planet Vegeta. Paragas's son Broly was born on the same day as Goku, but at a power level of 10,000! Fearing this potential menace, Vegeta's father ordered the child killed, but he escaped with Paragus. Now the pair is seeking revenge.
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Tuesday 5 July 2011

Dragonball Z Movie 7: Super Android 13

                              Super Android 13

When the quiet peace of a routine day is interrupted by violent explosions it seems like the entire world is under siege! But Goku quickly realizes that he is the target of the sudden attack! Who are these strange assassins? When Goku discovers that despite their great power the culprits are not emitting an energy signal it can only mean one thing. They are Androids!With Dr. Gero dead just who is responsible for master-minding this new wave of Androids that are stronger faster and ten times more deadly than before? The mystery unravels itself as the Android assault begins!
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Dragonball Z Movie 6: The Return of Cooler

                                                  The Return of Cooler

A rogue star threatens the very existence of New Namek and the only hope for the planet is Goku and his friends in this feature entry in the popular DragonBall Z anime series. The Big Gete Star is closing in on New Namek, and as Goku and friends struggle to come up with a defense plan, an army of Cycolpian Guards descends upon the unsuspecting Namekians. As if the invading force wasn't enough to deal with, Goku soon learns that his old nemesis Cooler may be the driving force behind the surprise invasion.
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Dragonball Z Movie 5: Cooler's Revenge

                                                      Cooler's Revenge

Saving the universe can be a tiring business! So after their big battle with Frieza on Namek, Goku, Gohan, Krillin, and Oolong decide to take a little camping trip for some rest and relaxation back on Earth. But their peaceful weekend is soon interrupted by a menacing force.Frieza has a brother: Cooler! And with his powerful Armored Squadron, he has come to Earth seeking revenge. Cooler will not rest until the man who destroyed his brother is vanquished, even if that means blowing up the entire planet!Goku was able to tap into his hidden powers and transform into a Super Saiyan once before. The question is, now that the Earth is threatened by Frieza's older (and stronger) brother, can he do it again?
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Dragonball Z Movie 4: Lord Slug

                                                                          Lord Slug
The end of the world is fast approaching in the form of a giant asteroid on a collision course with Earth. Not if Goku has anything to say about it! Goku and Krillin race to the rescue. Using their incredible powers they narrowly deflect the asteroid from its deadly course. The Earth is saved or is it?A dark vessel descends from the surface of the asteroid carrying a powerful new enemy - the evil overlord Lord Slug.His forces have come to take control of the Earth and steal its natural resources only in the process they intend to wipe out the entire human race! And when Lord Slug discovers the seven magic Dragon Balls it seems nothing can stop his diabolical plans from coming to pass!Now that Lord Slug has the power of the Dragon Balls in his grasp can even Goku save the Earth from the clutches of this mysterious invader?
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Watch Dragonball Z Movie 3: Tree of Might

                                                                Tree of Might

  A seed of the Tree of Might has been planted on Earth by a group of space pirates. Once rooted, the Tree of Might will devour all life energy, leaving the planet a deserted land where no living thing can survive. Goku and his friends try to destroy the tree but find their power is not enough. Suddenly, they are attacked by the evil space pirates, and Gohan is captured by Turles, the evil leader of the group and a Saiyan! Turles powers up by eating a fruit of the tree and challenges Goku. Can Goku save Gohan and the planet Earth from Turles!?
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Thanks to the Dragon Balls and his dedicated assistant Dr. Kochin, the evil Dr. Wheelo has been freed from his icy tomb. Now these mad scientists plot to take over the world with their fearsome biotechnology...there's just one hitch: Dr. Wheelo's body died, but now his brain is living in a glass jar! Dr. Wheelo seeks the strongest, healthiest body in the world to be the new home for his magnificent brain, so Dr. Kochin and their android warriors kidnap Piccolo and Master Roshi trying to find the world's strongest fighter. Goku, Gohan, and Krillin come to their friends' rescue, but Dr. Wheelo's henchmen are amazingly strong! To make matters worse, it seems that Dr. Wheelo not only wants to have Goku's body, but he already controls Piccolo!
Will our heroes save the day or lose their minds?! 
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Monday 4 July 2011

The DEAD ZONE (dragon ball z)

                                                                       The Dead Zone 
Gohan has been kidnapped! To make matters worse, the evil Garlic Junior is gathering the Dragonballs to wish for immortality. Only then will Garlic Junior be able to take over the Earth in order to gain revenge for the death of his father.

Goku rushes to save Gohan, but arrives at the fortress just as Garlic Junior summons the Eternal Dragon! Krillin and Piccolo try to help Goku, but their combined powers are no match for Garlic Junior, who creates a "Dead Zone" to suck the heroes into oblivion! Suddenly, Goku begins to show his hidden power, but will it be enough?
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